Karen Pritchard

Trek For Vision

I'm on an adventure and raising funds for Vision Australia

Call me crazy! I'm training to take on a BIG trek In New Zealand during March 2024, to help raise much needed funs for  Vision Australia.  I'm legally blind and feeling like I may have bitten off more than I can chew, but for those who know me, I'm certainly going to have a FABULOUS time along the way.

My participation in the trek is totally self-funded and all money raised will go to helping people who are blind or have low vision to live independently.  Your donation will go towards the Vision Australia Quality Living Groups and Vision Australia Radio. 

I'd love it if you could please support me in whatever way you can.  

Woo hoo and hugs x

I'm fundraising for

Call me crazy! I'm training to take on a BIG trek In New Zealand during March 2024, to help raise much needed funs for  Vision Australia.  I'm legally blind and feeling like I may have bitten off more than I can chew, but for those who know me, I'm certainly going to have a FABULOUS time along the way.

My participation in the trek is totally self-funded and all money raised will go to helping people who are blind or have low vision to live independently.  Your donation will go towards the Vision Australia Quality Living Groups and Vision Australia Radio. 

I'd love it if you could please support me in whatever way you can.  

Woo hoo and hugs x

My fundraising achievements

Updated profile

Increased goal

Raised over $250

Thank you to my Sponsors


Melinda Cruickshank

You are an inspiration to us all!! Enjoy every moment of this epic adventure ❤️



Karen, just wanted to drop a quick note to say how awesome it is that you're trekking in New Zealand to raise funds for Vision Australia Quality Living Groups and Vision Australia Radio! Wishing you an amazing adventure and can't wait to hear all about it when you're back! xox


Angela Krautman


George Berzins

Go Karen you are unbelievable


Kristy Quigg

You are amazing! You’ve got this


Allan Hall



You are such an amazing and inspirational role model for everyone. You take everything in your stride and play the hand that life deals you on the day. You've got this!


Leonie Heslop

I’m in awe of you doing this trek for such a good cause! x




Lyndal Goodwin

You are so courageous! Have a wonderful adventure and hope all the training pays off.


Nigel Mapes

You have so got this!!


Nat Felkl - Lwg

Very impressive - well done


Sandra Davenport

Congratulations from the Adelaide Ladies walking group you met at Portage


James Sardisco

Great cause Karen, enjoy qnd have fun 😎


Kate Walter

Great to meet you at Potage and hear your inspiring story.


Tina Eriksen-vexborg

I’m so happy to support your project my dear friend♥️


Heather Mckenna

So proud of you my amazing friend - you inspire me everyday ❤️


Jane Diamond

I have loved helping you to prepare - enjoy every minute


Joan Sato

Good on you Karen 🙂



You'll blitz this. Good luck with the fundraising and enjoy the walk!


Michael Peebles

Hope this helps. Good luck Bubby.


Carol Thomas

Bloody awesome Cuz!


Little Billy

So excited for you! Be safe! We’ll be praying for big accomplishments and your safe return.


Helen Canny

Go Karen!!


Kath Hope

Congrats on making such a difference to the charity 🙌


Jie Zhou

Proud of you, Karen


Margo Hayek

Go Karen, you got this!!!!!


Fan Yang

You are an inspiration, Karen!


Maria Mele

All the best Karen.


Sonia Andrew

You are amazing! Proud friend moment.


Vijayani Abeyratne

Best of luck Karen. You are awesome!!


Yanko Zvonaric


Ian Finlayson

Best of luck Karen.


Dorothy Peebles

Karen you are the best xx mum


Kalina Christova

So inspirational!


Dale Anderson

Keep saying YES Karen!


Pam Green


Anthony Testa


Kerry & Ron Hunter


Sarah Clark

Thank you for raising funds for our wonderful organization, what a star you are! I'm hoping you will share all your trekking stories over a nice cup of afternoon when I'm next in Sydney :)


Ratka Boskovski

Have an amazing adventure my crazy friend 🥰


Tammy Daniels

I Hope you achieve what you want and are enjoying yourself while you do it. Xoxo


Jodie Millington

Truly an amazing effort! Well done Karen!


Michelle Diamond

Good luck


Alison Morgan

Great training with you for such an awesome cause. You’ll smash it !



you can do it


Elias Webhe

For my favourite mother-in-law - have a ball 🤣🥰


Michelle Floyd

What a woman, an absolute diamond in the rough and an all round good soul. Happy to support your trek adventure.


Robyn Main

All the best Karen. I did the CBMI Larapinta walk June 23 but I’m a sighted optometrist. So, I salute you and know it will stretch you but by the end, it will be a wonderful feeling and blessing.


Sandra Bowmer

You will love Queen Charlotte in the beautiful Marlborough Sounds. Good luck, well done trekking for such a worthwhile cause and have fun.


Elisabeth Akhurst

Adventure away!!!


Michelle Andrew

You are amazing and such an inspiration!!


Kylie Pussell

Go for it Karen!


Suzanne Wilkinson

Inspirational Karen! Go girl!


Diamond In The Rough Adventures

You are an inspiration! Great to have you train for this awesome adventure with us.


Josephine Kirsten

You are amazing Karen. With all that you do and can do. You never put limitations on yourself truly an inspiration.


Linda Attenborough

Good luck Karen


Joanna Bensted

Happy trekking KP 💚


Julie Scott

You are amazing Karen and what an achievement it will be, safe trekking.


Jackie Walkom

Wow Karen, what an adventure and such an inspiration you are. Good luck!! It was lovely to train with you on Friday ☺️


Dani X

Amazing Karen!! Xx


Felicity Mcdonald

You're amazing!!


Jacq Conway

Fantastic goal! I’m sure you’ll all smash it!


Nerida Davis

Good luck Karen!


Holli Harrison

All the best my friend x



What a fabulous achievement from the LWG


Peta Cobb

Best of Luck Karen!


Martha Panagop



Best of luck Karen. You are an inspiration to so many


Dominic Yuen

Go Karen!!! You got this! Keen to hear the trek stories when you return.


Ebony Pritchard


Janet Chaplin

Good luck and enjoy the hike. It’s beautiful


Lesley Smart

Go girl ! On your Trek for Vision NZ


Danielle Peebles


Loo Burnett

It isn’t much but I wanted to help. X


Julia Laing

You go girl❣️


Reece 100


Nicki Paulin

Good luck on your NZ adventure! Has been great training with you, your an inspiration


Ally Smith ( Diamonds)

!!!!!! :)


Jo Williams


Chloe King

heyyy missing you 🩷🩷 be safe n good luck love ya🩷 -king family 🩷🩷


Megan Bishop

Good luck Karen! Great cause.


Victoria Toth

Good luck Karen! Hope you have a lot of fun along the way :)



You got this!! So amazing Karen!