Thea and the Hinton Family's story 

When Thea was 3 months old, she was diagnosed with Optic Nerve Hypoplasia, a condition caused by the failure of the optic nerves to develop during pregnancy. From the time of her birth, Thea’s parents, Chloe and Shane, noticed her eyes moving side to side, a condition known as nystagmus. Over time, Thea’s eyes stopped tracking and her nystagmus did not improve. Unfortunately, it is unknown how much Thea can see until she is able to verbalize it.

Chloe and Shane are at the beginning of Thea’s vision loss journey and have only recently connected with Vision Australia for guidance and support. Despite being a new relationship, Chloe is optimistic about the support Vision Australia will offer her family. “Having the support of Vision Australia means our daughter will be supported to live her best life, now and in the future,” Chloe explains.


The Hinton family took part 100K Your Way to show their support for Vision Australia and families just like theirs. “We just knew we had to participate to give back and raise awareness for the organisation who will no doubt be a big part of our future,” Chloe says. Chloe and Shane plan to walk and run their 100km this April.


“You have nothing to lose, and it helps others so why not? It’s a good challenge.” Chloe explains.

Image of Vision Australia client Thea wearing a cap and looking through the strap hole
Image of the Hinton Family standing together and smiling at the camera
Image of Vision Australia client Thea being held by her father who is smiling at the camera
Image of Vision Australia client Thea at 5 months old, smiling at the camera.

 About Vision Australia 

Vision Australia is a leading national provider of blindness and low vision services in Australia. We work in partnership with Australians who are blind or have low vision to help them achieve the possibilities they choose in life.

We support more than 25,500 people of all ages and life stages, and circumstances. We do this through 35 Vision Australia centres in Victoria, New South Wales, the Australian Capital Territory, Queensland, South Australia and Western Australia; and through outreach programs in the Northern Territory and Tasmania.

We are a not-for-profit organisation and a major participant and partner in the international blindness community.

You can read more about Vision Australia on the website here.