Justin's Party!

By Justin . Join Me

My Gift for Vision

I'm fundraising for Vision Australia

I'm fundraising for Vision Australia

Absolutely no need to give a gift, but if you want to do something, please consider a donation to Vision Australia.

We all love seeing beautiful sunsets, rainforests, beaches etc. and for those that never get that opportunity, life can be tough.  Your donation helps give the gifts of freedom and independence to people who are blind or have low vision.

Every donation, no matter the size, will help others to meet their own goals.  Thank you so very much for your support.

My fundraising achievements


Updated profile


Increased goal


Raised over $250

Thank you to my Supporters


Anne Borneland

1st of all Happy Birthday ! Hip Hip Hurray🎶🎵 To a friend - Honoured to be celebrating together on this special time and year of your life woohoo its your birthday !. For both friends - Congratulations to a very special 25th wedding anniversery. Honoured to join you both to celebrate. You are both wonderful people so very happy to know you both xx


Margot Ten Have




Hugo Leroux

Happy birthday, Justin! Thank you for raising awareness of such an important issue and all the best in your fundraising endeavour


Fiona Kenny

Happy birthday Justin and congrats on your 25th wedding anniversary. Look forward to celebrating these special milestones with you and Melissa tonight!!


Philip & Libby