Virtual Trivia

By Sam Valavanis

My Event for Vision

I'm fundraising for Vision Australia

I'm fundraising for Vision Australia

Welcome to my Virtual Trivia Night fundraiser. This is an event designed for participants to have fun, answer questions, and socialise with others. I am raising money for Vision Australia's "Learn, Engage, Act, Perform" (or LEAP) program, aimed at assisting teens and young adults living with a vision impairment to develop employability skills after finishing school.

I'm raising money to pay for a physical get-together with all LEAP 2020 participants at the end of the year, as opposed to our monthly interactions on Zoom. My starting goal is $300, but I will gladly accept any donations exceeding this amount.

Thanks for your interest, and if you would like to attend, please search for Samuel Valavanis on Facebook, and you should find the event in the Events tab of my profile. Further details will be located there.

Event Information

Saturday 29th August to Saturday 29th August

My fundraising achievements

not achieved

Updated profile


Increased goal


Raised over $250

Thank you to my Supporters


Kath Rogers

Such a great idea Sam, so happy to support you and looking forward to tonight! See you soon! Love ‘Aunty’ Kath


Sandra Staffieri

Good on you Sam! Sorry I can’t make it on Saturday-i hope it all goes well as i am sure it will!


Kim Stanley

Sorry I missed the trivia, but hope the night was a success! Best wishes Sam xx


Helen Cameron

Happy Birthday Sam, Have fun with the trivia night.


Uncle Paul And Family

happy birthday Sam. Good luck with the fund raising. What an awesome idea


Brooke Carter




Nikki Raines

Sam you did such an amazing job with the Trivia Night. You are such a natural host. It was a lot of fun - thanks so much.


Mel & Con Leondaridis

Well done Sam!


Marg Harvey

Great work organizing this event Sam. Have a fun night.


Jessie Brent

Sam I hope you all had a really good night. Well done.


Leonie Carrington


Jim, Lisa, Mitchell & Caitlin Valavanis

Congratulations on a great job with hosting the trivia night. You were awesome!!!




Katie Dickson

Good job on organising all this Sam! Hope this helps in some way!


Shannon Carrigg