I'm fundraising for Vision Australia
My name is Sanjiv Rajendran, I have been doing the Vision 20:20 Challenge of 20 push-ups for 20 days from 8th of October 2020 (World Sight Day 2020). In support of Vision Australia, I’m fundraising to help give the gifts of freedom and independence to people who are blind or have low vision.
There is a growing number of Australians living with vision loss. I'm fundraising to support them to live the life they choose.
Please DONATE now to make a secure online donation and secure a brighter future for Australians who are blind or have low vision. All proceeds donated to Vision Australia.
Thanks so much for your support.
Best Regards,
Sanjiv Rajendran
Event Information
Thursday 08th October to Tuesday 27th OctoberMy fundraising achievements
Updated profile
Increased goal
Raised over $250
Thank you to my Supporters
Prabaharan Thangarajah
Selva Selvalogan
Well done Sanjiv
All the best!
Nirupa Dhaya
Nila Rama
Thangarajah Sasitharan
Happy to do Sanjeev
Shakthidasan Krishnapillai
Sri Sritharan
Sanjiv Good work Sri anna
Sashi Sivendran-basak
Pratheep Ramachandran
CORONAவுலயும் உங்களுக்கு ஒரு கிளுகிளுப்பு. PS: VISALAM IN HOSPITAL
Rob Mascitti
Good Luck with your challenge!!
Bev Pearce
Keep going Sanjiv. Hooray.
Keep it up mate!
Susika Hettiarachchi
Great work Sanji..
S. Sivendran
Best wishes
Ranchan And Siva
Dinesh Shetty
Vic Dobin
I want to see the video ..... HA ... Ha.
Kuhananthi Gunarathinarajah
Niranjan Sathiya
Your efforts for a good cause is great
Great work Sanjiv. Wish you all the best. - Ambi anna -