I'm fundraising for Seeing Eye Dogs
We're fundraising to help give the gifts of freedom and independence to people who are blind or have low vision.
"Having a Seeing Eye Dog myself, I have first-hand experience knowing how much a Seeing Eye Dog increases my independence and inclusion in my community. Generous support like yours are the key to our success and make it possible for Vision Australia & Seeing Eye Dogs Australia (SEDA) to continue to provide valuable SEDA services to other people who are blind or vision impaired. It costs approximately $35,000 and takes 2 years to train each Seeing Eye Dog. We hope that you are able to support us to help raise funds so that SEDA can continue with their unique valuable service." (Ayesha)
"Because no-one should be alone in the dark"
Please DONATE now, to make a secure online donation and secure a brighter future for West Australians who are blind or have low vision.
Thanks so much for your support.
My fundraising achievements

Updated profile

Increased goal

Raised over $250
Thank you to my Supporters

Merchandise Sales

Aunty Donna

I'm a Nanna to a SEDA dog. I see the wonderful independence having a dog gives Ayesha to her aspects of her life - work, inclusiveness in her community, socialising with family & friends etc.



